Special Needs Trusts for Personal Injury Settlements
When your loved one’s course of life is dramatically altered because of someone else’s negligent action you need to plan for that loved one’s future needs. You may find yourself overwhelmed trying to put the right measures in place to protect your loved one’s best interests. An experienced lawyer can insure that government benefits are not lost due to the receipt of a personal injury settlement.
Protect Your Loved One’s Access to Government Benefits
For more than 16 years, attorney Janet M. Miller has delivered experienced legal counsel and advocacy to families throughout San Jose. She has a strong legacy establishing special needs trusts, and she is a mother of a special needs child. Ms. Miller understands firsthand the concerns you may have when suddenly faced with legal, financial, and personal concerns stemming from a personal injury accident. She can help you put the right safeguards in place to protect your loved one’s best interests.
Personal injury lawyers throughout San Jose refer their clients to Campbell special needs trust lawyer Janet Miller. She has an intricate understanding of how special needs trusts are established through probate. Contact our Campbell special needs trust and settlement lawyer to protect your loved one’s access to much-needed government benefits.
Why Consider Establishing a Special Needs Trust?
A personal injury accident can be life-altering. If your loved one is now disabled or has endured other types of catastrophic injuries, a lifetime of medical care could be necessary.
Many disabled individuals are eligible to receive government benefits such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI), and MediCal. Unfortunately, disabled individuals awarded personal injury settlements may become ineligible to receive needs based government assistance such as MediCal and SSI.
This can be prevented if the personal injury settlement is transferred to a special needs trust. Campbell attorney Janet Miller can provide invaluable assistance in this process.
Contact Our Campbell Special Needs Trust Attorney
The requirements for establishing a special needs trust are varied and complex. The best investment you can make is to work with an experienced lawyer from the onset. Attorney Janet Miller can help ensure important factors are taken into consideration when maximizing the value of your loved one’s personal injury settlement. Contact us for a free and confidential initial consultation to understand if establishing a special needs trust would be in your loved one’s best interests.